Hi There! My Name is Madainn!

Here are some of the cities I have spent a significant amount of time in!

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I Was Born in 1995 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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In 2013 I moved to Carlisle, Pennsylvania to attend Dickinson College.

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In 2014 I got to live in Málaga, España for the summer.

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In 2015 I moved to Brisbane, Australia for the start of my Junior Year.

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While 'studying' in Australia I got to travel to Fiji for several weeks.


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After graduating, I joined Teach For America and was sent out to Tulsa, Oklahoma for 5 weeks of training.

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After leaving Tulsa, in 2017, I officially moved to Cleveland where I have been teaching for the past three years!

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In the summer of 2019 I spent a few weeks in Austin, Texas as a Kode With Klossy Instructor!

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